Monday, May 28, 2012

You'd think I would be good at packing by now....

Packing is one of the biggest first-world-problems you could imagine.  The mere fact that I have to sort through my many possessions and decide what to bring makes me feel a twinge of guilt.  I mean, I'm going into the Peace Corps.  I'm going into the developing world.  And I have to decide how many t-shirts to bring.

Well, despite these twinges of guilt, I'm in the process of sorting through my things, deciding what to toss and what to save, what to put in storage, and what will accompany me across the pond.  I'm not stressing about this, per say, but I'm definitely wanting the silly process to be over.  If only I could magically have everything that I needed without having to think about it.  Since that magic is not at hand, I'm just going to have to suck it up and trudge through making decisions about what I bring.

First world problem.  Most definitely.

1 comment:

  1. Just imagine if we decided to move. Or do you remember packing up the house to move to Germany?
